For us, why we give is rooted in something far deeper than finances. As God-followers, our giving should stem from a place of relationship with God.
God Himself says in John 3:16 "For this is how God loved the world: He gave..." God gave, and so we give. We give because he has given us all that we need in Him. We give out of obedience, sacrifice, and faith. We give because when we do so, we live what we believe - that God wants to supply our needs.
When you give to Veracity Chapel, you give to God. Your giving funds ministry. It is poured into kid's programs, classes for adults, community outreach, and many other places that help us reach people with the life-changing message of Jesus.
Will you consider joining us in our mission to connect people with Christ?
Contact Us
26 South Main Street
Morrill, ME 04952
Office Hours
Tue - Fri
8:30 am – 5:00 pm